Monthly Archives: May 2019

The Wack a Mole Strategy

According to the internet – Wack a Mole is: “a game in an amusement arcade in which players use a mallet to hit toy moles, which appear at random, back into their holes.”

According to the this video Wack a Mole is a fun and highly effective strategy for dealing with unwanted or intrusive thoughts.

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The Most Important Skill to Learn in Personal-Development

Personal-Development is not about reading books. It is about developing skills.

What is the first and most important skill that you must develop in order to progress? What is the skill that takes you from spending a little time reading, to intelligent personal-development?

Watch this short video to find out.

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What Pushes your Hot Buttons?

When something happens, do you respond or react? Each will have a very different effect on the outcome.

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The Forer Effect

Don’t believe everything that you read, don’t believe everything that you hear.

It may not be true.

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Always Look for the Good in People

Sometimes the most profound things are also the simplest.
It’s certainly true when it comes to the qualities of being a great leader. Sometimes they are so obvious that we can miss them.
Perhaps the single most important thing for a leader is to develop the skill of seeing the best in people.

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If you ask a child what they are going to do when they grow up many will tell you that they are going to go to the moon, be a famous actor/actress, write a dozen bestsellers and solve climate change.

As we become adults, many people lose this ability to dream big.

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To children, life is often magical and full of adventure.
When do we lose that and what can we do to bring it back?

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Modelling Excellence Part 2

This is a more in-depth look at some of the subtleties of learning by copying others.
I also answer the question, who is the one person who you should be learning from above everyone else?

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Modelling Excellence

When a child wants to learn how to walk they find an expert (anyone who can walk!) and copy them.

How can we apply the same strategy as adults? Who is an expert in your field and what can you learn from them.

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